Scientists rediscover glowing mushrooms -
Scientists in Brazil recently re-discovered a mushroom that is one of the most strongly bioluminescent mushrooms known.
Scientists rediscover glowing mushrooms -
Scientists in Brazil recently re-discovered a mushroom that is one of the most strongly bioluminescent mushrooms known.
For my fellow Jonny Quest fans, a new take on the old Jonny Quest Title Sequence by Roger D. Evans.
27% through The Planetary Adventures Of Eric John Stark by Brackett, Leigh on Kindle for Android!
Have you ever listened to a song and your mind's eye is immediately filled with visuals? David Bowie's classic space epic is one such song for illustrator Andrew Kolb.
Every lyric paints such a vivid picture that he figured "Oh hey, I guess I'll make that into a" children's book.
h/t Super Punch
Trade is an economic activity, but its greatest impact may be biological. Charles C. Mann on stowaway earthworms, far-flung potatoes and the world made by Columbus.